So the first part of PERMA is Positive emotion. This isn't just being smiling and happy, but being optimistic and having that explanatory style. Also, savor your happy moments. Some people fall into the trap of being happy and getting into the thinking that it won't last or focusing on what they don't have in that moment. Think of that person that just completed a significant milestone in life, like getting married, but instead of enjoying that, they start thinking about what is wrong with their life, such as not getting a promotion that week.
Engagement is the second part of PERMA. This is mainly talking about flow. Find an activity that can fully engage you. Utilize your strengths. Check out my previous video on flow for more information.
You also need relationships and good social interactions. We are social animals that need connectivity.Don't neglect your relationships.
Meaning and purpose is necessary for a full and meaningful life. What does your life stand for, what values do you hold dear? There's this book called Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. It's a biography of a man's life in the Auschwitz concentration camp. People in one of the darkest places in history found hope, meaning, and even happiness while in that camp. They did this by focusing on their values. What can you do in your life that leaves you fulfilled? Will you have a legacy? What reason do you exist? Thinking about and finding answers to these questions will help you on your way to finding meaning
The A in PERMA stands for Accomplishments. Have meaningful goals. Have goals that will benefit others. Take a moonshot. They will give you a sense of fulfillment when completed.