I'm the author of Youtility. I have a Master's in Clinical Mental Health and a Bachelor's in Psychology with a minor in Philosophy. I use knowledge from my education alongside data from research articles and books I've read to inform my videos. This doesn't mean I'm always right (and I will put up corrections as they are noted), but it is the solid foundation on which I create my content.
Youtility is a project of mine to be a tool for others on their process towards self-actualization. My topics vary, but the themes that remain present are psychology, self-help, and mental health. I also try to tie each topic with something practical that they can do, as knowledge is nothing without action. There is something here for everyone on their path towards self-betterment.
Keep in mind, Youtility was designed as a self-help platform. And, although I go over mental health topics, it is not a substitute for therapy or medical advice.