Today we are looking into happiness. Psychologists define happiness as the sustained absence of negative emotions (like depression, anxiety, boredom, anger, and fear).
However, happiness is not intrinsically good like we'd think. It's a lot like never experiencing the physical sensations of pain: you don't try to fix, escape, or adjust yourself to your situation. Happiness and sadness are like thermostats that tell you if there is anything you need to change.
It is boredom and lack of self-esteem (which are negative states) that help us become better people. Boredom has created many pieces of art, science, and useful inventions. Worrying that we aren't good enough gives us drive to strive to be better.
There is actually a psychological diagnosis for people who are enveloped in a highly elevated mood for a prolonged period (at least one week): mania. People with this diagnosis have less need for sleep, grandiose thinking, and an increase in goal-directed activity. This can lead to them engaging in high-risk situations, which is usually what brings them to treatment.
There are five states that are as good, if not better than happiness.
Flow: total absorption in the task at hand
Fit: any work that builds on your strength
Goal Progress: any progress made on a meaningful goal (But usually short-lived)
Being in Relationships (romantic or otherwise)
Altruism: giving to others