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At Least 5 Tips to Increase Happiness & Well-Being


Hey everyone, today we are going to cover at least five tips for being happy and having greater well-being in your life. Without further adieu, here we go:

One, Dance, either alone or with friends. It's an enjoyable experience even if you do it awfully

Two, sing. Sing in your car, sing at home, or sing while you are dancing. On average people who are happier sing. This doesn't necessarily mean that singing will make you happier, but it's something simple you can try.

Three is zaniness. Quack like a duck. Jump up and kick your feet. Show spontaneous positive energy. Don't repress it!

Four is sensational Pleasure. Its okay to just be hedonistic, but follow the four Ss: Slow down, Savor, Study (or be mindful), and space things out. This can be anything from candy, to music, to art.

I'm gonna be honest with you. Money will buy happiness, but only up to about 65 thousand dollars.This is because the estimated cost of living is about this much, after that, money does little.

And if those five were helpful, don't you worry, I have more.

Six is touching. Studies suggest hugging 8 times a day will improve your mood. Like it or not we are social creatures and thrive on connection.

Try being by happy people. This will increase your mood exponentially if you hang out with a lot of people who are sad now.

Be altruistic. Give something to others.

Be grateful. Say thank you.

Also, pray. This can be religiously framed or not. Most prayer is an acknowledgment of one's needs and a request for those needs to be addressed. This is healthy.

Number Eleven Meditate. Meditation improves one's state of mind, calms one's thoughts, and just over all cultivate an environment for happiness.

Twelve, be generative. Work on leaving something behind for the next generation.

Thirteen, Be compassionate. Love yourself as much as you want others to love you. Try talking to yourself as you talk to your friends. This can be a great step in cultivating happiness.

Find, celebrate, and strengthen your strengths.

Fifteen, start your day by reminding yourself of one positive thing about yourself. It's habits like this that can dramatically change your view about yourself over time.

Sixteen, Buy Experiences. Don't buy things, buy a massage, go on a cruise, visit an escape room. Heck, have free experiences. Go on hikes and go swimming.

Seventeen, Along the same lines. Do something Novel and new. Remind yourself that there's more too the world than what you are familiar with. Travel. Learn A new Language. Learn a new hobby.

eighteen. Breathe. There are lots of techniques that will improve your mood, especially when paired with mediation. Here's a little breathing fact: Slow breathing is associated with sleep, calmness, and relaxation. It can also be associated with depression. Whereas fast breathing is associated with excitement and joy or anxiety, anger, and fear. You can use this information to help control your mood in the future

Ho'oponopono. This is a practice of forgiveness and goes along with being compassionate to yourself. There are different versions of this, but it mainly is an affirmation said to the self, either out loud or quietly, as "I'm sorry, I forgive you, thank you, I love you." There's not any science to back it, but I've seen it work in my life, plus affirmations themselves do have science backing them, so I'd think it could generalize here.

Number twenty. Smile. There's been evidence to show that the simple act of smiling can improve our mood. Try to smile using your eyes as well. If you aren't exactly sure what I mean, look up "Duchenne" smiles and look at the eyes. You can also manufacture a genuine smile by holding a pencil either between your teeth or holding it between your upper lip and nose.


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